& Wild Foods Buffet 3:30 - Action-Planning Moshe Basson, Naomi Tsur, Eilon Schwartz, Yitzik Gaziel, Ula Biran Bring your open-pollinated seeds and wild edibles to share. |
Article: Listening to the Other http://www.oriononline.org/pages/om/04-3om/Nabhan.html |
Food historian, storyteller and restaurateur Moshe Basson, scours the hills of Jerusalem as well as local traditions and ancient writings for foodstuffs and methods for an authentic Jerusalem cuisine. Moshe tramps through unkempt fields and overgrown gardens, "sometimes in the middle of town, sometimes in the mountains," to find humble delicacies like khubeiza, a mallow akin to spinach. He plucks sage and sumac, saffron and thyme, hissop and even dandelions. Walking the ancient hills, telling stories of Jerusalem history, experimenting with cyclamen, green almonds and wild asparagus, from the childhood smells of his parents bakery in Beit Safafa to his mother's tomato and mint soup, Basson evokes the foods that have influenced Jerusalem cuisine through the generations. |
Sharing baladi and heirloom seed in Bethlehem